35Mm Camera Film

35Mm Camera Film
35Mm Camera Film

It may seem surprising in this era of digital this and automatic that to realize that there are many photographers who still prefer the 35mm film camera. There are probably several big reasons for this trend. Schools of photography still use them to teach their students how to take a really good picture. The adjustment of lighting, getting the right angle and discovering the many techniques that can be used in photography can only be done with a film camera.

35Mm Camera Film

In most cases you already own one. Especially if you have an old 35mm film camera that has been collecting dust since the age of digital photography came to be. The lens will have to be manual. A good place to start would be a 50mm lens. The larger the aperture can be open on the lends the better as this will allow more light through to illuminate your ground glass. I use 50mm the most, but it is fun to play with different lenses to achieve different results...experimenting and knowing your equipment is the key.

35Mm Camera Film

35Mm Camera Film

35Mm Camera Film

35Mm Camera Film

35Mm Camera Film
35Mm Camera Film


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