Cctv Camera Logo

Cctv Camera Logo
Cctv Camera Logo

A CCTV camera is of course first and foremost a security measure and is used as such for preventing crime. However the way in which it achieves this is varied, and at the same time it can also perform many other different roles and functions. Here we'll look at a few of those different uses for CCTV and you might find yourself surprised at just how much you can do with it.

Protecting your staff: CCTV can protect your staff in many different ways. Firstly it can protect them physically against violence from customers, but at the same time it can also protect them against false accusations - perhaps coming from colleagues or even from clients and customers. For example if a customers claims your member of staff has sold them something faulty you can in fact find out if this is true.

Spotting fires: Of course your fire alarm is your main defence against fires, but a CCTV camera can be surprisingly effective too and can actually in some cases even catch them earlier.

Spotting vandalism: Not all crimes are theft, and this way you can spot people scribbling on your walls or breaking your windows too.

Spotting theft from the till: Likewise not all theft comes from the general public. Sad though it is, probably more theft in fact comes from staff. This way you can prevent this from being an issue.

Spotting accidents: CCTV can be useful in case someone falls over whether they are staff or customers. This way you can send someone over to help them as soon as possible which is important from a moral perspective but will also help to prevent scandal at your workplace.

Preventing crime: CCTV allows you to catch perpetrators, but in fact that is not its best role. The best job a CCTV camera does rather is to actually prevent crime from happening by threatening to catch perpetrators should they commit.

Aiding the police: CCTV can be used to aid the police in tracking down your things - so even if the perpetrators do get away, you can hopefully get your belongings back.

Helping the community: At the same time if you have a camera set up outside your building you might also be able to catch things going on in the street and can this way come forward with evidence to help your local community. Of course putting any criminals away for theft in your shop will also indirectly help the community by removing at least one menace from the streets.

Encouraging good behaviour: CCTV encourages the best behaviour and manners from your staff as they know they're being watched thereby ensuring that they run the workplace as best as possible 24/7 as though you were in the room.

Giving you extra feedback: Finally with a camera you can see how the business runs from a third party perspective and this can be very useful for making changes and improvements. This way you can also find any little things that are wrong and see how you absence affects the workplace.

Cctv Camera Logo

Cctv Camera Logo

Cctv Camera Logo

Cctv Camera Logo

Cctv Camera Logo

Cctv Camera Logo
Cctv Camera Logo


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