Film Camera Photography
Taking great photos has never been easier and taking lots of photos has never been cheaper. Whether you take pictures for fun or just want a photographic record of your next vacation or family gathering, the digital camera will help to guarantee that you get all of the shots you wanted and that they are exactly what you expected.

It may seem surprising in this era of digital this and automatic that to realize that there are many photographers who still prefer the 35mm film camera. There are probably several big reasons for this trend. Schools of photography still use them to teach their students how to take a really good picture. The adjustment of lighting, getting the right angle and discovering the many techniques that can be used in photography can only be done with a film camera.

There was a time when film photography dominated the market. As digital photography has advanced film is starting to fade into the background. Film isn't completely extinct by any means. There are still a few professional photographers that use film. Let's look at the difference between the two.

The main difference between film and digital photography is the way the image is captured. In digital photography light is reflected onto a sensor. The sensor then converts the that image into digital information. Once the image is captured it can easily be viewed on the camera's LCD screen.

When you're using film cameras for photography the image is captured on film. Once the entire roll of film is used it must be processed in chemicals to see the image. Once the film is processed the image can be transferred to light sensitive photographic paper and viewed. When you're using a film camera you can't see the image right away.

Film Camera Photography
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