Film Camera Lens
Many similarities exist between the two types of camera because lenses are still required to capture light just the same as a film version. The only difference between a digital camera and film cameras is how they capture this light inside the camera itself. A charge couple device is the light capturing device in the quality models that is used to convert light into electrical signals and as far as the user is concerned, an image is saved just like an ordinary device. Less expensive cameras us a complementary metal oxide semi-conductor or CMS device which does the same work of capturing an image and although some believe it could replace the CCD, this is not likely.

All cameras, from that old Browning film camera you got as a kid, to large Single Lens Reflexes and today's Digital SLR Cameras have lenses. They all require cleaning at some point in time. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of using due care when it comes to cleaning your camera. That sophisticated piece of equipment was an expensive investment. Permanent damage would be far worse than a small amount of dirt on your lens. With proper care and due caution your camera will last, and will always be ready for that special moment.

There are two types of liquid cleaners for cleaning camera lenses. If the film on your camera lens is water soluble, you can use distilled water available at your local grocers. The second type is with you as you read this. It's your breath. Using your warm breath on the lens creates a type of distilled moisture. The point is that the liquid must be clean and free of harmful minerals. If you use distilled water, pour a very small amount onto your cleaning cloth. Never, ever pour it directly onto the camera or lens. The water could easily seep inside the camera and permanently damage it. Always err on the side of caution. It's better to repeat the cleaning process with too little moisture, than to have too much water on the lens.

Film Camera Lens
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