Camera Repair
If you bought a simple point and shoot or a digital camera that is fairly new, the first thing that should be done is to send it to the company that you bought it from, as part of their service. If you bought a Nikon camera for example, you should be sending it to Nikon USA. Just by looking at the website of the camera's manufacturer you will find the phone number and address of the nearest repair facility. SLR camera repair might be a bit harder if you're not from USA, but from a third world country. Still, you always have the option of sending the camera body together with your credit card number to a company that repairs digital cameras.

There was a very large CCD recall for Sony camera lens repair over the past few years that covers many manufacturers and not just Sony, as Sony provided the CCDs to many others for their cameras. The defective CCD's cause the camera to take solid black photos, or purple/pink "dripping paint" photos, or they have repeating white horizontal or verticle lines on the images. If your camera does this, call the manufacturer and tell them you want a repair under the CCD recall no matter how old your camera is! IF it's on the list, you might get your camera repaired for free.

It's All About the Power: Make sure your battery is fully charged when you're checking the functionality of your camera. Many cameras will begin to slow down or lose functionality when the power source is drained. For this reason, many consumers will confuse this with being a defect in the actual camera. It sounds too simple to be true, but camera repair facilities process literally thousands of camera "repairs" each year that only had a faulty or uncharged battery. The honest facilities will send the camera back to you with no charge. Also, depending on the environment in which you're accustomed to shooting and storing your camera in, the metal contacts between the battery and the contacts to the camera can develop a thin, non-conductive film (that can be invisible). This can be easily removed by rubbing alcohol-dipped (not soaked!) Q-tips over the contacts to remove this film. After the alcohol has dried, put the battery back in and try to power the camera up again.

Camera Repair
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